To Life!
With dancing figures created by older adults from Hebrew Senior Life and girls from Divas mentoring divas, this sculptural installation is a celebration connecting light with dance and feelings of joy. The Hanukkah shares the brightness of the lights and the feeling of being connected, even in the current circumstances. The use of recycled materials, including bicycles wheels, evokes ideas of repairing the World and caring for the planet. themes necessary to be highlighted more than ever. Sponsored by JARTS.
Under the Same Sun
Celebrating Art and Hope in the Latinex Community. Like butterflies, hope floats through our communities landing softly to share our collective wisdom. Doctors, patients, nurses and visitors at the Massachusetts General Hospital were invited to let us know their wisdom. All landed at Silvina’s mixed media art piece and become part of our community narrative. Sponsored by heARTS (health equity x art).
Building Bridges, Amplifying Children’s voices
A Collaborative project between ARCK, Blackstone elementary school and the Red Sox. I created a mural inspired by the children’s works. The Red Sox highlighted the work created at their state-of-the-art Jumbotron.
Through meaningful collaboration, ARCK celebrates connections that amplify under-represented students’ and artists’voices.